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They met within an upper room
They met within an upper room
by Andrew Pratt
They met within an upper room, they wondered at their friend, disciples who had followed, now anticipate the end. The tension here was palpable for he would be betrayed. and yet he spoke of peace to them, they need not be afraid. Verses 3-4 follow Tune: CLAUDIUS (Fink) AKA: BETHE
Hymn: To simply bask in ignorance
Hymn: To simply bask in ignorance
by Andrew Pratt
To simply bask in ignorance, to shy away from facts, can masquerade as 'simple faith', or veil our foolish acts; and then the world will look at us, a church so old and stale, no longer worth a second glance, a church beyond the pale. Verses 2-3 follow Tune: BETHLEHEM (also known
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